I woke up this morning, walked into my bathroom, took off my satin bonnet, looked in the mirror and ....I smiled! I didn't say,"What am I going to do with this front??" I looked at the mirror and I was happy with my jacked up front (gotta love shear happy gals) and the way it was smushed to my head. And y'all...it happened, I cried. I just stood there and cried. I was happy, I felt GREAT, I was looking at ME. Just ME. And it felt amazing!! I decided that I wasn't going to do the frohawk today (but I WILL mslitta!!!). I was doing ME today. Rocking my curly fro and loving it!!
So, I hopped in the shower, co-washed my hair, plopped it with my CurlEase towel and I was done. I slapped some aloe vera gel in it to keep it from frizzing up while it dried, shook my head from side to side and smiled. Like this!! =><= I put on my silver hoops, my new lip gloss and was HAPPY. HAPPY with ME, just me. D@mn this feels good, it feels AMAZING!!!
I get to work, I'm walking down the hall to my office and the Speech/Language Pathologist was walking ahead of me (in the same direction) so she hadn't seen me yet. I called out to her, "Good morning." She turns around, greets me with wide eyes and a big smile and says, "I LOVE YOUR HAIR!" I said, "THANK YOU!!," showing EVERY tooth in my mouth at the same time. Then, I turned to my daughter and BEAMED some more! And she returned the smile.
Here are some updated pics..not the greatest ones, but I'm working on that. Can't seem to find the right lighting. *sigh* At any rate...the first one is me trying to put some flat twists in the front of my hair and the others are self explanatory. The curls in the front are A LOT smaller than the ones in the back, but I love them all!.
